Buttercream Icing Recipe

Traditional Buttercream Icing Recipe: The ingredients below makes enough buttercream icing for a medium single tier wedding cake. You need to double or triple the cake icing recipe if you you are doing more tiers. It's always better to have left over buttercream than not enough to cover your cake.

22 tbs salted butter, softened (about 3 sticks)
2/3 c. Crisco shortening
5-7 tbs heavy cream
2 tsp clear vanilla
2 lbs powdered sugar (about 8 cups)
1-3 tbs corn syrup
Here's how to make buttercream icing.
1. Add sticks of butter and crisco shortening. Beat on low just to get it started.
2. After 1 minute turn off mixture and hand stir ingredients to ensure nothing is left behind. Turn mixture back on again to a much faster speed for another 2 minutes, this depends on the softness of the butter. Test the constistency of the mixture with a spatula.
3. Turn off mixer and test the constistency of the mixture with a spoon. It should be soft and smooth.
4. Turn mixer back on again but on low, add 2 teaspoons of clear vanilla.
5. Slowly stream in 5 tablespoons of heavy cream. Turn off mixer and hand stir ingredients to ensure nothing is stuck or left behind. Turn on mixer until it all perfectly blends together. You may need the other 2 tablespoons if the buttercream mixture is too thick.
6. Next, let the mixer run on low speed while adding 2 lbs powdered sugar. This may take a while.
7. Turn mixer off. Do another scrape down with the spatula, make sure you scrape all the loose sugar.
8. At this stage you may or may not need the other 2 tablespoons of cream in this cake frosting recipe. In the video, the buttercream was too thick so 2 more tablespoons of heavy cream were added and 1 extra tablespoon of corn syrup.
Stop and start the mixture so the liquid does not slosh out of the bowl, then run mixer on low speed and keep mixing.
9. After 1 minute of mixing, turn off mixer and check thickness of buttercream, this is to see if more liquid is needed.
(The thicker buttercream is perfect for piping and making buttercream flowers and decorations. However, it needs to be a little thinner for spreading icing on a cake.)
10. Another tablespoon of corn syrup to make it a little thinner. Keep mixer running until corn syrup is mixed completely through.


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